Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Purple Cake

I got to learn a new technique for this cake (the "quilted" look) and I was really happy with how it turned out. The hard part was getting the color. It still wasnt as dark as I would have liked but the more color you add, the harder the fondant gets to work with so I just had to settle. Though with these pictures you really can't tell the true color because there was a purple light in the room casting a weird color on everything so I just couldn't get a picture that seemed true to life. Its most close to the third picture's color. I hope the bride was okay with the color since it wasnt as dark a purple as she probably had in mind- but who knows. I included a black and white picture just for fun. In case you couldn't tell those were real flowers- provided at the site- I just never know what I am going to have to work with but I do like the way it ended up- quite a bit actually. Definitely not a traditional wedding cake- which is much more fun to make!


jlthomas said...

I like this one a lot! The quilted look is so cute, I'm sure the bride loved it!

Gina said...

Holy Cow Melissa!! You are so good! These cakes all look so amazing!